Custom Artificial Eyes

Midwest Eye Laboratories specializes in creating custom hand-painted and hand-sculpted ocular prosthetics and is a provider of choice among doctors and patients. Our goal is to give you the most comfortable fit possible, and to ensure that your ocular prosthetic has all of the natural characteristics that make your eyes unique. We work with people of all ages and from all walks of life.

Our Services

Custom Ocular Prosthesis

A custom ocular prosthesis is fit after an eye has been surgically removed or absent. The prosthesis fits underneath the eyelids and comfortably within the eye socket. Each ocular prosthesis is hand-sculpted and hand-painted to fit and look like your natural eye.

Custom Ocular Scleral Cover Shell

Scleral Cover Shells are custom fit over an existing underdeveloped and/or injured blind eye giving an excellent alternative for a natural symmetrical look. With the custom precision fit they are made to be comfortable. They are custom hand-painted to match the companion eye. Scleral cover shells can be made quite thin. We do offer a complimentary consultation to determine if a scleral cover shell will be right for you.

Resurfacing/Polishing of Ocular Prosthesis

Midwest Eye Labs provides for the resurfacing and polishing of ocular prosthetics. It is recommended to have your ocular prosthesis (artificial eye) professionally resurfaced every 6 months by an Ocularist at Midwest Eye Laboratories. Resurfacing is not just removal of plaque buildup from the prosthesis. Being trained Ocularists we are able to evaluate the medical grade material that the prosthesis is made from and determine if there is any deterioration or breakdown of the material, if the eye is fitting the socket correctly, and/or if there is an indication that the prosthesis requires replacement or adjustment. This will also help prolong the life of the prosthesis.

Custom Ocular Conformer

A custom ocular conformer is a clear plastic piece molded from an impression taken of the socket. This is usually recommended for maintaining the integrity of the socket and/or encouraging expansion.

Life Expectancy Of An Ocular Prosthesis and Scleral Cover Shell

Ocular Prosthetics (artificial eyes) will usually last 5-7 years with proper care and professional resurfacing/polishing by our trained team of Ocularists. Not only does the material that the artificial eye is made from break down over time but the lid or socket may change. This is commonly found in growing children, or as you age.

Where to Start

You or your family member may want to explore options for ocular prosthetics after specific trauma to the eye, eye cancer, an accident, or reconstructive surgery. If you are experiencing irritation or discomfort with an existing artificial eye, we may also help you find a better alternative and answer your questions.

Call our office or schedule a complementary consultation to ask questions and get to know our friendly staff right away. This can also help to ease any anxiety about having a prosthesis created for you or your family member.

Bring someone with you, especially for the final fitting and delivery. This can be very helpful and is recommended.

What to Expect

Once we get started, it may take up to 2 consecutive days to complete your eye, from the time we first meet to the time the eye is delivered to you. Over the course of 4-5 appointments, we'll create the prosthesis with you, ensuring proper fit, comfort, and look throughout the process.

Learn more about how we create your eye

Once your prosthetic eye is finished, we will help you to easily insert and remove your eye so that you are comfortable with it before you leave our office. We also offer a complimentary follow up visit within a couple months after you receive your finished eye to make sure that it is fitting properly and to answer any questions you have.

Care instructions are given to you before you leave our office. We also recommend that you meet with our staff about every six months for a professional polishing of your prosthesis.

Caring For Your Artificial Eye
Creating Your Artificial Eye

Use the arrows to scroll through our 4-step process for creating an artificial eye.

  • Impression

    1. Impression

    For maximum fit and wearing comfort, an impression is taken of the eye socket or over the top of the existing blind eye. We fill the area with a soft, jelly-like substance which allows us to get the right size and shape for your eye.

  • Sculpting

    2. Sculpting

    A wax model is fabricated from the impression and is hand-sculpted to achieve the best symmetry with lid opening and direction of gaze.

  • Painting

    3. Painting

    The prosthesis is hand-painted while the Ocularist observes your companion eye. This involves matching the iris color, limbal blend, scleral tinting, and veining.

  • Final Fitting & Delivery

    4. Final Fitting & Delivery

    The prosthesis is polished and fit to determine if any adjusting is needed.

I wanted to express my gratitude to you for all that you do. I can hold my head up high when I walk down Main street again, thanks to you. And I can look in the mirror with a whole lot more dignity each morning.

- Anonymous
Schedule an Appointment! We'll guide you through the process with ease. Contact Us
We Work With People of all ages
Brady at 1 year old

1 Year

Brady at 2.5 years old

2.5 Years

Brady at 3 years old

3 Years

Brady at 6 years old

6 Years